Pick an Edition

Dojo offers a number of builds, called Editions, that combine related parts of Dojo into a single, compressed file. Don't worry, you can still use all the APIs Dojo provides no matter what edition you snag, but the "baked in" libraries in a given Edition will be faster loading.

AJAX I/O (XmlHttp) Event + I/O Widgets The "Kitchen Sink"

The AJAX edition makes creating applications with async I/O (XmlHttp), perform top-notch visual effects and tie it all together with an aspect-oriented event system to create your next web application.

Just need a kick-ass XmlHttp layer? The I/O edition is built with dojo.io.bind for all your async needs.

Go for the one-two punch with our aspect-oriented event system and robust XmlHttp layer.

Make web widgets fun again. No other widget system provides HTML & CSS templating capabilities with loose coupling to the widget implementation. Take "separating style, content, and logic" to a whole new level.

This build includes all of the Dojo libraries rolled into a single file so you don't have to think about what to include. A great way to get up-and-running fast.

Getting Started

So you've downloaded and extracted a Dojo edition to your development environment, now what? Dojo offers a number of resources to help you get off the ground and using your new JavaScript buddy. Some of the articles you might want to check out:

If you happen to be doing widget development with Dojo (you did grab the widget edition then, right?), you'll also want to read Fast Widget Authoring with Dojo.