How to initialize the Dojo Yahoo RPC Service:

// You need the package of course

// Create a callback function to handle the results generated by a method
// A second optional parameter to your call back will allow the callback to use
// the submission Id of the json-rpc request

function contentCallBack(result){
	dojo.byId("content").innerHTML = dojo.json.serialize(result);

// Create a new object
var testClass = new dojo.rpc.YahooService();

Push these buttons to execute code in the button.

Results will be returned below under "Returned Content"

Returned Content:


Debug Log:

DEBUG: please initializae the YahooService class with your own application ID. Using the default may cause problems during deployment of your application
DEBUG: RpcService: Attempting to load SMD document from: ../../src/rpc/yahoo.smd
DEBUG: RpcService: Processing returned SMD.
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. mapImage ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created mapImage ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. trafficData ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created trafficData ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. localSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created localSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. webSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created webSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. spellingSuggestion ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created spellingSuggestion ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. spellingSuggestion ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created spellingSuggestion ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. imageSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created imageSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. inlinkData ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created inlinkData ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. pageData ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created pageData ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. artistSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created artistSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. albumSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created albumSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. songSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created songSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. songDownloadLocation ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created songDownloadLocation ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Creating Method: this. newsSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Successfully created newsSearch ()
DEBUG: RpcService: Dojo RpcService is ready for use.