How to initialize a JSON-RPC Service:

	//You need the package of course

	// Create a callback function to handle the results generated
	// by a method A second optional parameter to your call back
	// will allow the callback to use the submission Id of the 
	// json-rpc request

        function contentCallBack(result) {
	 	dojo.debug("in contentCallBack");
                var handlerNode = document.getElementById("content");
                handlerNode.innerHTML = result;

	// Create a new object
        var testClass = new dojo.rpc.JsonService("testClass.smd");

Push these buttons to execute code in the button.

Results will be returned below under "Returned Content"

This button will perform a simple echo


This Button will simply call the function contentB()


This button will call add() to add two numbers together


Returned Content:


Debug Log: