Test dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid Phase 1 Features
EnhancedGrid phase 1 provides the following features:
- Nested Sorting
- Built-in support for Indirect Selection (radio buttons and check boxes)
- Declarative context menu
- Selecting rows/columns via swipe
- Drag-n-drop: columns,rows - MOVE
Keyboard support:
- Use TAB or SHIFT + TAB to navigate keyboard focus among column headers, row headers and cell regions
- When focus is on column header:
- - Use LEFT/RIGHT to navigate keyboard focus among column headers
- - Use SPACE to choose a column or sorting choice
- - Use SHIFT + LEFT/RIGHT to select multiple columns
- - Use CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT to move columns
- When focus is on row header or column of checkbox:
- - Use UP/DOWN to navigate keyboard focus among row headers
- - Use SPACE to choose a row
- - Use SHIFT + UP/DOWN to select multiple rows
- - Use CTRL + UP/DOWN to move rows
Some known issues (plan to fix in phase 2):
- EnhancedGrid doesn't support complicated layout(e.g. multiple rows in column header), TreeGrid(SubGrid).