dojox.widget.Rotator Test

Controlled By Topics, Default Swap Transition

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google
Aptana AOL
IBM Zend
BEA Uxebu
WaveMaker Aptana

Controlled By jsId Reference, Default Swap Transition

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google
Aptana AOL
IBM Zend
BEA Uxebu
WaveMaker Aptana

Crossfade Transition

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google
Aptana AOL
IBM Zend
BEA Uxebu
WaveMaker Aptana

Crossfade Transition 2

Pan Transition

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google

Pan Continuous Transition

It is set to wrap so it will detect the shortest distance to the next pane and determine to go left or right.

The transition duration is 1 second. Quick transitions are enabled, so it will perform X number of transitions within the transition duration timeframe.

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google
Aptana AOL
IBM Zend
BEA Uxebu
WaveMaker Aptana

Pan Transition with Easing

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google

Pan Continuous Transition with Easing

Easing not supported with continuous pan... forces a linear easing.

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google
Aptana AOL
IBM Zend
BEA Uxebu
WaveMaker Aptana

Slide Transition

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google

Slide Transition with Easing

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google

Wipe Transition

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google

Wipe Transition with Easing

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google

Declarative Event Hooks

The 2nd pane will output when the onBeforeIn/Out and onAfterIn/Out events are fired.

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google

Programmatic Example with Fade Transition

Stacked Example: Pan Rotator Over Crossfade Rotator

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google

Bad Global Transition

Uses a transtion "dojox.widget.rotator.doesNotExist" and should default to the swap transition.

Nexaweb Renkoo
Sitepen Tibco
Webtide OpenLaszlo
Sun Google